
Riva riva song download mp3
Riva riva song download mp3

Quiz 4 1 What is a cat-o’-nine-tails? 2 Of which Caribbean country is Montego Bay the main tourist centre? 3 Who wrote David Copperfield? 4 What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware? 5 In medicine, what name is given to a state of deep unconsciousness in which the subject is unrousable? 6 What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina called? 7 Which bay of the Atlantic, between northern Spain and western France, is noted for its rough seas and high tides? 8 What was the first British film to take more than one hundred million dollars at the US box office? 9 What is the capital of Vietnam? 10 What name is given to members of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus?ĪNSWERS: 1 A nine-lash whip, 2 Jamaica, 3 Charles Dickens, 4 Software, 5 Coma, 6 Pampas, 7 Bay of Biscay, 8 Notting Hill, 9 Hanoi, 10 Jesuits. Quiz 3 1 Which rock star was born Marvin Lee Aday? 2 Which 2000 film starred veteran actors Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland and James Garner? 3 Of which planet is Phoebe a satellite? 4 Which film actress and wartime pin-up girl married bandleader Harry James in 1943? 5 How many counters has each player in a game of backgammon? 6 Which food item takes its name from the French for ‘twice cooked’? 7 Who wrote The Thorn Birds? 8 Who wrote The Call of the Wild and White Fang? 9 Which common childhood illness related to shingles is also called varicella? 10 Which sign of the zodiac is also called The Waterbearer?ĪNSWERS: 1 Meat Loaf, 2 Space Cowboys, 3 Saturn, 4 Betty Grable, 5 15, 6 Biscuit, 7 Colleen McCullough, 8 Jack London, 9 Chickenpox, 10 Aquarius. Quiz 2 1 What was the name of the Addams Family butler? 2 Which theoretical temperature corresponds to minus 273.15 degrees on the Celsius scale? 3 Which seven-a-side ball game is played in a swimming pool? 4 Which Roman Catholic organization takes its name from the Latin for ‘God’s work’? 5 Bamboozled is a film by which controversial US director? 6 Which word meaning ‘rebirth’ describes the period in European history which began in the 14th century? 7 Who starred opposite Pierce Brosnan in the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair? 8 Who directed the 1995 film Heat, which starred Al Pacino? 9 Of which French overseas region in South America is Cayenne the capital? 10 In which year did David Koresh and the Branch Davidians Christian cult hold a siege in Waco, Texas?ĪNSWERS: 1 Lurch, 2 Absolute zero, 3 Water polo, 4 Opus Dei, 5 Spike Lee, 6 Renaissance, 7 Rene Russo, 8 Michael Mann, 9 French Guiana, 10 1993.

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Quiz 1 1 Which strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand? 2 In which city is the Doge’s Palace? 3 Who plays Johnny Depp’s uncle in the 1993 film Arizona Dream? 4 Which New Zealand golfer won the 2000 Australian Masters in Melbourne? 5 Which continent has the larger land mass: Africa or North America? 6 Aston, Aston, Rizzo, Stevenson, Gilvear: which 1980s group? 7 What name is given to the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike models? 8 Which artist was appointed court painter to Charles IV of Spain in 1786? 9 The name of which Roman god means ‘shining father' in Latin? 10 What is the name of the dog in Punch and Judy shows?ĪNSWERS: 1 Cook Strait, 2 Venice, 3 Jim Carrey, 4 Michael Campbell, 5 Africa, 6 Gene Loves Jezebel, 7 Taxidermy, 8 Goya, 9 Jupiter, 10 Toby.

Riva riva song download mp3